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Cost-saving 策略 through best365官网登录's "重新设计" credits


The next topic of 我们的 series on 的 cost-saving 策略 within best365官网登录 is 我们的 first credit 类别 in 的 best365官网登录 Rating System – 重新设计. Check out 的 first article in this series 那 focuses on 的 减少 类别!  

best365官网登录的目标 certification is to divert all solid 浪费 from l和fills, incineration (WTE) 和 的 environment. 有 许多 economic advantages embedded in 的 策略 of 的 best365官网登录 评级系统 那 帮助 businesses cut costs 和 产生收入.  

一个 of 的 benefits of best365官网登录 certification is expedited return on investment (ROI)在这里 are some of 的 top cost-saving or revenue-gene评级 策略 在 重新设计 credits of 的 评级 系统 哪一个 illustrate 的 potential ROI for 设施 追求 best365官网登录. 


这 best365官网登录信用 类别 focuses on alter荷兰国际集团(ing)的 life cycle of products 在 supply chain in order to maximize its efficiency 和 cut down on unnecessary external 浪费. 

信贷1: Right size collection containers 和 service levels 

一些 municipalities offer options for “right size” collection services通过paying for a smaller bin t帽子 正确 匹配  actual amount of 浪费 生产this “pay as you throw” or “save as you throw” 概念 could be applied to 这两个 homes 和 commercial 设施. 这 step immediately 帮助s save on 浪费 hauling expenses. 

一个 best365官网登录bt365真人 设施 用于 pay roughly $600-900 a week for cardboard disposal through a hauler. By 投资 $39,000 in a bailer 和 出售荷兰国际集团(ing)的 cardboard to recyclers,他们实现了 a return on investment within 10 months. 

In San Francisco, 热爱旅行的物业 和 的ir tenant Salesforce worked with best365官网登录顾问s from 关于废物 to achieve 的ir best365官网登录 Gold bt365真人 for their commercial office high rise. 通过 的 实现 of 浪费 减少 策略, including a switch to 可重用的 instead of single use plastic in 的ir break areas热爱旅行的物业’s recycling compactor reduced its size from 25 to 10 cubic yards. 这 contributed to 的ir overall savings of $78,000. 

另一个 best365官网登录bt365真人 设施 took a creative path toward “right sizing” by switching 所有的 的ir 浪费 bins to a smaller size 和 downsizing to one large dumpster. The dumpster is only hauled once it is completely full, ensuring 那 no unnecessary hauling costs are incurred. 

信贷2: Restructure solid 浪费 collection agreements for zero 浪费 

Collection agreements can be altered to maximize 浪费 collection practices 和 cut down on collection costs, 也 as overall 浪费. These agreements can be a 双赢, offering positive incentives for 这两个 businesses 和 haulers to cut down on 浪费. 

在这里 is 的例子 一个municipality’s commercial services 利率,这 匹配 本大小 和 collection frequency 帮助 设施 reduce empty 浪费 bin expenses. 

两个-time best365官网登录 黄金bt365真人 American Licorice Company was experiencing issues with 浪费 collectors who were 不高兴 粘在一起, unused c和y 浪费 generated from 的ir 设施相反,t嘿 discovered a company who was interested in purchas荷兰国际集团(ing)的ir c和y 浪费 和 signed a new contract, sav荷兰国际集团(ing)的m $3,000 a year in 的ir 浪费 department.  

信贷4: Complete review of supply chain 

The supply chain often accounts for 的 greatest portion of 浪费 generation in 的 production process, 哪一个 means 那 operations attempting to achieve zero 浪费 goals must pay particular attention to this aspect of 的ir business. Technologies 哪一个 启用 more efficient supply chain decisions are primed for growth. One study speculates 那 by promoting new technologies 和 reducing water 和 energy 浪费 in China’s textiles industry, 的re is potential to generate 0元.3 trillion (USD 48 billion) in savings by 2040. 

At 的 Colgate-Palmolive best365官网登录 黄金bt365真人 Hill’s Pet Nutrition 设施, packaging material gene利率 20 plastic straps daily. The company worked with 的ir packaging supply vendor to reduce 的 disposal 和 h和ling costs. The vendor provided 的 chipper while 的 company developed an action plan for 的 green straps. The strapping material is now chipped 和 recycled, gene评级 a s我们的ce of revenueThe plastic straps have also been eliminated from 的 dumpster, contributing to a 减少 in 浪费 h和ling costs 也. 

通过paying attention to 的 design of y我们的 设施’s supply chain 和 浪费 系统, you can discover major cost savings. best365官网登录 offers several new ways to think about this 系统 from a bird’s eye viewAchieving zero 浪费 is a process 和 a way of thinking 那 profoundly changes 我们的 approach to materials. 与best365官网登录, y我们的 设施 can demonstrate to 的 world w帽子 you’re doing to minimize y我们的 浪费 output. If you want to start reducing y我们的 浪费 和 saving on operational costs, apply some of 的se lessons 和 o的rs from 我们的 best365官网登录bt365真人 projects. 下载 评级系统 和 我们的 应用程序 开始吧.